Watch The Kick-Off Panel With JJ Abrams & Other Events From Star Wars Celebration Anaheim Online!
The official Star Wars website reported today that more than 30 hours of video content will be uploaded to the site during this weekend’s Star Wars Celebration Anaheim event. Included in this content is a live stream from the kick-off panel hosted by JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy. Beat the lines and watch from your computer (in your home if you aren’t at the event)!
Moe May 3, 2015 - 7:24 pm
I used to watch the TimTracker and well decided to drop the channel because it appears their success has gone to their heads and the team up with the plagiarizing Destinations in Florida is sad and takes them a notch further down. Glad to find your channel, keep it real and don’t let the success you have go to your head like the trackers have.
viewfromthecheapseats May 3, 2015 - 9:20 pm
Thanks for watching the channel! It’s unfortunate that you decided to stop watching Tim & Jenn. We still love those guys and appreciate everything that they’ve done for us. We haven’t kept up with all of their videos lately, b/c of lack of time, but they’ve always been salt of the Earth type of people with us.